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Every mum is a hero. But what if mum`s job is actually being a superhero? And what if the daycare center calls and interrupts her from saving the world because the child has to be picked up early? Superheroes, mothers and circus artists have a lot in common: no regular working hours, hardly any free time, and they are always ready to solve big problems. They are supposed to be strong and independent, but also charming and beautiful. Impossible expectations to live up to?  


​Superheroes, Interrupted is a half-hour outdoor trapeze show for the whole family. With jokes for all ages, a warm sense of fun and stunning acrobatics in 6m height. These Wunder-muttis will solve every crisis in their way and bring you along for the ride. Just as long as there’s plenty of snacks.

Mütter sind die Heldinnen des Alltags. Aber was, wenn Mama wirklich als Superheldin arbeitet? Und wenn mitten beim Welt retten die Kita anruft, weil das Kind früher abgeholt werden muss? Mütter, Superheldinnen und Zirkusartistinnen haben viel gemeinsam: keine geregelten Arbeitszeiten, kaum planbare Freizeit und jederzeit bereit, die wirklich großen Probleme zu lösen. Sie sollen starke und unabhängige Vorbilder für junge Mädchen sein, aber trotzdem immer auchcharmant gutaussehend. Ist es möglich, all demgerecht zu werden? Superheroes, Interrupted ist eine halbstündige Outdoor Trapezshow für die ganze Familie. Diese“Wunder-Muttis” werden mit jeder Situation fertig, nehmen dich mit auf ihre Abenteuer undhaben natürlich Snacks für alle dabei. Mit Spaß und Unterhaltung für die ganze Familie, Artistik in 6m Höhe und natürlich echten Superheldinnen.

The Trailer

Previous Performances

31 Aug         

16.00 - Prinzessinnengarten - 

Hermannstraße 99-105, 12051 Berlin


1  Sep

16.00 - Prinzessinnengarten - 

Hermannstraße 99-105, 12051 Berlin


3 Sep 

16.30 - Interkular family programm, Herrfurthplatz

Herrfurthpl. 14, 12049 Berlin


21  Sep

15.00 - Hasenheide - 

einer der Wiesen am Haupteingang Columbiadamm

The Gallery

The cast


Rike Greusing

Rike Greusing is a circus artist and circus educator from Berlin. 

In the context of the New Circus, she tries to convey personal and political content on stage using aerial acrobatics, acrobatics and dance theatre. Her artistic focus is aerial acrobatics on rope, trapeze and cloth, as well as dance theatre.


Jessie Rose​

The Remarkable Jessie Rose is an international circus artist, performing aerial, hula hoop and roller skating acts all over the world since 2007.

She runs hula hoop troupe Hoop La La,  and is a co-founder of Bella Kinetica - an aerial and roller skating company. 

Technical Rider

- Performed on a 6.3M free standing rig suitable for outdoor use

- Ground area required: 6M X 8M

- Show is 30 minutes long in English and German

- Suitable for all ages

- Build up of rig and technical rehearsal: 1.5 hours

- Two additional people required to build up the rig

- Take down of rig: 30 minutes

- Sound provided by busking amp

- Show is weather dependant for the safety of the performers

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